Pupil Services Update
As the end of the 2018-2019 school year quickly approaches, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful consortium members for their wonderful teamwork in helping our shared students be successful in the RVA. The communications between the RVA school counselors and many of the consortium school counselors, Learning Center Coordinators, and other pupil services staff has been very beneficial and is greatly appreciated! With this in mind, I would like to remind everyone of our 2nd Annual Pupil Services Meeting taking place at the Grand Lodge in Rothschild, WI on June 4th from 11:00-2:00. Lunch will be provided and this will be a great opportunity for all of the consortium and RVA Pupil Services staff to network on what is going well in the RVA and what can we improve on for next year. I hope to see you there! To register, please click here: 2nd Annual Pupil Services Meeting
One topic we will be talking about at the meeting is are restructuring of our at-risk programming in the high school for next school year. Lindsay Ferry will be the coordinator of this program, called OnCourse. OnCourse is a personalized approach to learning that focuses on empowering all students so they each have an opportunity to shape their own future. OnCourse was created with the student in mind; build the student's self-esteem and personal awareness, and this will in turn lead to increased confidence, pride and a sense of self-worth. Once these basic needs are met, then we can focus on the student's ability to learn.
OnCourse has a multitude of academic pathways that have been personalized for each student according to interests, skills, and post-secondary plans. No one plan is alike another; nor should it be as each of our students are unique. Students take ownership of their learning plans and work with the staff to develop a course plan, project ideas, and/or community learning opportunities. OnCourse is not just about earning credits; it strives to meet students where they are at and give them the tools to persevere through adversity so that they can become their best selves educationally and personally.
I am really excited for our students who may have struggled feeling connected to school or engaged in their education to have the opportunity to participate in this program next year!