Building Teacher Resilience Training

 Turn teaching challenges into opportunities for growth in this dynamic three-part series.

Through interactive sessions and collaboration, you'll develop practical strategies to manage stress, maintain work-life balance, and sustain your passion for education. Join fellow educators in building a personalized toolkit of evidence-based techniques you can implement immediately in your work and home life. Whether you're new to teaching or a veteran educator, invest in your professional and personal well-being and discover how to not just survive, but thrive.  

Session Descriptions

PART ONE (1/30)

  • Overview of Resilience

  • Introduction to VEST (Vigilant, Engage, Sustain, Transition)

  • Vigilant (Understand and Plan): Gain a practical understanding of your hardwired emotional system. Learn to identify personal stressors to help you manage and mitigate their impact.

PART TWO (2/18)

  • Engage (Mindset and Tools): Equip yourself with practical tools and a resilient mindset to stay regulated and function at your best more frequently. Develop a personalized self-care plan to nurture lasting mental resilience.

  • Sustain (Connections and Support): Build and maintain strong support connections in your personal life and educational community. Leverage these connections to reinforce your emotional fortitude and sustain your resilience over the long term.


  • Transition (Educate and Regulate): Master the skills to transition smoothly from states of fight, flight, or freeze back to a place of calm and regulation. Understand how to transition from work to home life to avoid carrying stressors with you.

  • Finalize your Personalized Resiliency Plan!

Training content based on VEST’s The Resilient Educator – Filling Your Reservoir of Resilience Training.


January 30th
February 18th
March 18th