District Connect Dedicated Instruction

What is it?

RVA District Connect provides daily live instruction for private sections of students in consortium districts, making it a great solution for teacher shortages or when only one section of a subject is needed. Our dedicated instructors are available on semester or yearly contracts for most core middle and high school subjects and Spanish. Let RVA handle the planning, teaching, and grading!

The details

To support a seamless learning experience, the district provides a local coach who is present in the classroom during live instruction. This coach assists with technology, classroom management, and student support as needed. Additionally, the coach or another designated staff member ensures grades are transferred from the RVA Genius platform to the local SIS.


Dedicated instructor opportunities are available on a first-come, first-served basis. While we strive to accommodate districts as needs arise, availability is not guaranteed, as instructor schedules fill quickly. Once a contract is signed, the section is secured. Districts that submit requests before our RVA master schedule is finalized will have the best chance of securing their preferred timing.

Consortium connection

We understand that many of our rural partners may not have enough students to fill a private section. If you're interested in utilizing a dedicated instructor but would like to partner with another consortium district to create a full section, we're here to help. Below is a list of current requests for dedicated instructor sharing.

  • Middle School Beginning Spanish (15 seats available)

Questions or requests

Please contact Ashley Anderson, District Connect Educator Support Coordinator.

  • ashley.anderson@ruralvirtual.org

  • (888) 801.2666 x 8581