Grab Bag Sessions are Broken Into These Categories:

School Spotlight
At these stations, you will find a representative from one of our consortium schools who is an exemplar in the topic.

Food for Thought
This self-guided activity will provide you with something to watch or read and provide a reflection.

Peer 2 Peer Brainstorm
This station will feature a topic of interest in our consortium and will provide prompts for you to use in networking with others.

Product Feature
These stations will provide you with information about products or services available to your district through the RVA partnership.

Debriefing with Sarah Ward

Use this time to connect one on one with Sarah Ward. Ask her any lingering questions you have so far from today’s sessions or just listen in as she talks with others.

Supporting Unique Student Populations

  • Cultivating Relationships with Native Student Populations
    Bowler Elementary Principal Brandi Dove is available to talk about what they've done in Bowler to connect with their Native American students and community.

  • Trauma-Informed Care: The Absence of Punishment
    Rebecca Lewis Pankratz, a past presenter for our consortium, has been working with school districts across the nation to start the journey of trauma-informed care for students. In order to begin that journey of change, it's helpful to identify what isn't working. Read the blog post below for her take.

  • The Journey From Trauma-Aware to Trauma-Informed: Where Are You?
    Many districts in Wisconsin struggle with how to support their students who are impacted by trauma. Review the graphic linked below and reflect on where your district lands.

  • Targeting Advanced Learners Through RVA's Kaleidoscope Kids
    Explore and ask questions about the project-based curriculum available to your district for use with advanced elementary students.

  • Providing EL Instruction Through RVA's Language League
    Teacher Ann Marchant is available to answer any questions you have about RVA's Language League program.

  • How To Attract and Retain SPED Staff
    Wisconsin is one of 48 states reporting special education teacher shortages. These challenges are especially prominent in special education where educators leave the profession at a rate much higher than their peers in general education roles. Visit the DPI website using the blue QR code or visit:

  • Best Practices in Inclusive Teaching of Special Needs Students
    Many districts struggle with the adoption of an inclusive teaching model and once they decide to adopt it - struggle with staff buy-in. Review some resources and discuss your school's experience with this model for special needs students.

Innovative Instructional Design