Special Education in the RVA

Who Does What for Full-Time Virtual Students



  • Schedules and sends invitations for IEP meetings

  • Writes IEPs

  • Writes PtPs (need access to consortium PtP system)

  • Completes progress reports (2 times per year at semester)

  • Implements interventions and progress monitoring related to SLD

  • Monthly email updates to team

  • Completes SOP and meets with the family/team prior to graduation


  • Provides specialty IEP services (speech, OT, PT, DHH, VI, etc)

  • Assigns one district representative to attend each IEP (including or in addition to specialty areas)

  • Conducts initial and reevaluations

  • Casemanages speech only students

  • Indicator 7 Early Childhood Outcomes (RVA can provide data)

  • Management/development of 504/EL Plans

  • ACCESS Testing


SPED Complexities

  • Access to PtP Systems

  • IEPS are from the Medford School District

  • LEA Representative

  • Audit Implications

Assign one district representative for each student

We have multiple students in multiple districts and this helps keep things less complex.  Make sure your staff know who to send information to (filing, graduation requirements, state testing). We will still invite other required team members from your district and will include them on the team.


KEEP the special education file


Contact Samantha Penry for further discussions.